Teacher Education

General description of the Project

1995 - now

The ENSI Teacher Education program seeks

Environmental education as defined & by the OECD-Project "Environment and School Initiatives" (ENSI) is premised upon inter-disciplinarity and the realization of dynamic learning qualities in students in which knowledge is not passively appropriated but actively constructed. Furthermore it relates knowledge to spheres of socially important action and requires the interrogation of assumptions and values that configure controversial issues. Finally it encourages reflexive and responsible action and therefore it contributes to Education for Sustainable Development.

The Teacher Education program offers as major benefits to participating countries

Project development

2004 - 2007: CSCT-Project A framework to integrate ESD in the curriculum of teacher training institutes
The CSCT project (Timeframe 2004 - 2007) was developed as a response to the call of the UNECE Ministers of Environment in 2003 to include education for sustainable development (ESD) in curricula from pre-school to higher and adult education. more about CSCT


Teacher Education-Publications A Database with Teacher Education publications - available for downloading read more